Collective Pull Down®
Critical Safety Device for Low Rotor RPM Events
The Collective Pull Down (CPD) is an FAA approved aftermarket safety device that initiates the lowering of collective in the event of an engine or drive system failure.
How it Works
The low rotor RPM warning signal triggers the device to pull the collective down in less than half a second, eliminating pilot recognition and reaction times. Whether you experience an engine or drive system failure, the CPD initiates the correct pilot action in-time, every-time. The CPD can be easily overridden by the pilot as required. It is lightweight, easy to install, requires no software, doesn’t take up any cockpit or baggage space, and is reasonably priced. But ultimately, can anyone put a price on the life of a pilot and passengers?
By the Numbers
Rotorcraft owners and pilots are smart and conscientious about maintaining their aircraft and planning their flights. The belief is that loss-of-power is a low probability event when a meticulously maintained aircraft is being flown by a highly experienced pilot. Yet, accidents do happen and no pilot, novice or seasoned, is immune.
- Nearly 1/3 of all helicopter accidents involve autorotation events.
- Low-Rotor RPM during autorotation entry accounts for up to 15% of all fatal helicopter accidents.
- Approximately 42% of accidents occur during personal/private flights or during instruction.
- According to the Flight Safety Foundation, pilots take, on average, 2-3 seconds to recognize that a problem is occurring and then another 4-6 seconds to react.
Split-Second Safety
If a pilot delays their reaction and allows the main rotor speed to decay below a certain speed, loss-of-control of the aircraft can be catastrophic. The CPD recognizes and reacts for the pilot in less than half a second, giving them a critical edge in maintaining proper rotor RPM for autorotation entry.
Features at a Glance
- Initiates the critical collective-lowering segment of autorotation entry when the low RPM warning activates.
- Completes required pull down action in approximately 0.5 second, giving the pilot more time to react.
- Provides tactile warning of engine or drive system failure and low RPM situation.
- Builds muscle memory of correct action for low RPM events.
- Allows pilot to override and control the collective during the pull-down action.
- Lightweight modular design for quick and easy installation.
- Small footprint that doesn’t take up cockpit or baggage space.
- Improves rotorcraft safety, and brings peace of mind to a pilot’s passengers and family.
Ready to Order?
Whether you’re a private pilot or a fleet manager, we can answer your questions and get you flying safer.
Collective Pull Down Details

HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) Demonstration with Chris Horton
Demonstration of the HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) for the R22 and R44 rotorcraft during the 2017 Jerry Trimble Autorotation Contest on June 25th.

HeliTrak Autorotation Contest Recap
Recap of the HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) demonstrations during during the 2017 Jerry Trimble Autorotation Contest on June 25th.

HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) Demonstration with Ron Gustafson, DPE
Demonstration of the HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) for the R22 and R44 rotorcraft during the 2017 Jerry Trimble Autorotation Contest on June 25th.

HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) Demonstration with Bruce Latvala
Demonstration of the HeliTrak Collective Pull-Down (CPD) for the R22 and R44 rotorcraft during the 2017 Jerry Trimble Autorotation Contest on June 25th.

HeliTrak Autopilot
Our Upcoming Safety Product for the R44